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The Casino

The Roger Williams Park Casino is rented on a five-hour basis. In addition, your caterer will receive two hours for set up and one hour for breakdown. The maximum allotment of hours for an event is six hours and all events must end by midnight. An additional hour can be secured at the rate of five hundred and fifty dollars ($550.00). If your caterer or florist requires additional set up time, you will be charge one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) per hour.

Non-Profit Rates


Monday through Thursday, non-profit events have a maximum duration of 4 hours and must conclude by 10:00 pm. Attendance is capped at 120 people. Any attendance exceeding 120 incurs an additional fee of $300.

Resident/Non-Resident Rates

The Monday through Thursday rate covers a five-hour event ending at 10:00 pm. An additional hour may be secured at a rate of $750 for one hour with a maximum of 6 hours.

Opting for a ceremony at the Casino adds an extra charge of $400. This fee includes chair setup and breakdown for the ceremony.


Ballroom – Dinner + Dancing: 150
Ballroom – Dinner Only: 200
Ballroom – Auditorium Style: 250
First Floor – Dinner: 90
First Floor – Standing Reception: 150
Entire Facility – Standing Reception: 300